
Showing posts from November, 2018

Connect not to Disconnect

              Technology was made to make work easier. It was made to improve our lifestyle but nowadays it is not properly used anymore. Technology was made to help us but some use this to harm others.            Through gadgets we are able to use social media where may users share their opinion and standpoint. But now it is being used as a weapon to harm others through verbal abuse and many more. It is not wrong to share your opinions and thoughts but this is not a reasonable excuse to destroy or harm others. An opinion can never harmful if it stay as an opinion and not to use it as a way to harm others. If there is a problem, it is better to face it in reality than be a coward and harm them virtually. Gadgets are supposed to be used as a way to connect and not to harm others. So it is clearly not the fault of the technology rather it is the fault of the behavior of the users.           In the end, the use of gadgets are harmful if we use it in a way to harm others but it is als

English Month Celebration

          Reading  is one of the most important thing that we need and we must do. Because if you don'n know how to read you will never be successful. Because I believe that education is the key to success. we know that almost all of us believe. I go to school because I want to learn to be successful someday.          We can gain more knowledge about many things by reading. We can also say that reading is a hobby because most of us like reading stories. and We all know that through reading we can easily understand different things that are written. Because when you are lack of the ability to read, that means that you're a lowlife person and we can say that you will never have a good future. so we must  spend time reading because it helps us to become successful someday.