Change starts with me

Changing the world begins with improving who we are on the inside. We each have a unique identity and our own distinct thoughts. These thoughts often propel us to act. So, by mindfully centering our thoughts in a positive direction, we can improve our actions and thus our character.How can I help? The most powerful way one can change the world isn’t simply by doing one thing, but instead is a way of life revolving around the concept of altruism.

An altruistic act may be as small as smiling and wishing someone “Good morning” or as impactful as building a house for a homeless family. By completing small acts of kindness, I can gradually make the world a better place. It involves continually controlling my thoughts and actions to determine the type of person I want to be. My mission to positively change the world begins with self-improvement and concludes with making kind acts an instinctive part of my daily life.


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