"Why do we have to celebrate Independence day?"

Pinoy Facts and Trivia - Philippine Flag

       We Filipinos celebrate the Philippine independence day, because that is time we became free. Being a truly free country means a lot. The Spaniards attacked us years ago. Their military forces abused us. Thinking of themselves powerful. That they can do anything to us, and it went on and on. They continued abusing us because no one is brave enough to face the militaries.

       Americans military volunteer to join forces with ours. The family that was shredded and the life that was ruined. The sacrifices make one side to hold the victory which leads to a new era. We celebrate Philippine independence day to remember our heroes, and their sacrifices in defending our country. It is also the celebration of remembering the flag and respecting it. And this celebration is the time that our country gains political freedom in the hands of colonizer.

       What are you waiting for? Make your article “why do we have to celebrate Philippine independence day” for showing respect and remembering the sacrifices of our heroes.            

Reference: https://goo.gl/images/SCqqXz


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